Inventory Adjustments
Inventory Add is the process of incrementing the inventory level of a particular product. Every increment of items in inventory should have an associated reason selected by the user when executing the transaction. It is recommended to allow inventory adjustments to warehouse administrators or managers as they will have the power to adjust increase or reduce the inventory level of items. Inventory adjustments are used to correct any discrepancy found in inventory or report missing or damaged products.
Inventory Add
In order to add inventory the user must provide the item id of the product, the location to place the item at, provide a reason code and the quantity to be added to the inventory. Optionally if the item uses serial, lot and expiration date the fields to add said information will be provided. After providing the requires information the inventory level of an item is increased.
Adding inventory
The Item Id input has the functionality to search for the Item Id by entering the partial id or the full Item Id.
The location input has the same partial search functionality. After selecting the item id and location id the user must select a reason code for the inventory and the quantity to be added.
If the item has multiple Unit of Measures then the user can select a unit of measure for the inventory add.
Inventory inputs with item using lot.
Inventory inputs with item using pallet and lot.
Inventory Remove
Inventory level of an item is reduced.
The inventory remove inputs are very similar to the inputs available when adding inventory. Item id and location id inputs have the partial search functionality as well.
Inventory inputs with item using lot.
If the item being removed uses lot number the system will automatically put the lot id at the lot input after the user selects a location id. If the item has multiple lot ids on the same location then the lot input will contain a list of the available lot ids.
Inventory inputs with item using pallet.
If the item being removed uses a pallet id the system will automatically put the pallet id at the pallet input after the user selects a location id. If the item has multiple lot ids on the same location then the pallet input will contain a list of the available pallet ids.