The maintenance menu comprises system configurations. Each option available in this menu is shown below.
View System Configuration
for details about the configurations available for the warehouse.
A location is a place where products are stored, it can be from part of a rack or even an entire room. Since locations do not change very often they can be configured using this tab with the appropriate permissions. The location table provides the following information about the stored location: Location ID
, Description
, Type
, Hold
and Pick From Location
At the Settings tab, users can manage and modify information related to:Delivery Carriers
, Labels
, Reason Codes
, Velocity Console Configurations
, Paths
, Groups
, Company Configuration
and Workflows
The UPC maintenance screen is used to view all the UPC codes stored in system for each item. It can also be used to edit, add or remove UPC’s.
The information table will contain the item ID
, UPC code
(blank if not specified) and the date
the UPC code was created.
Adding a UPC
When adding a UPC the user will have to enter the item ID
, UPC code
and an UOM
(unit of measure).
Users and User Access Groups
Depending on the Access Group the User belongs to they will be able to create and administer groups. To learn more about this please visit the User Access Groups Page for further details.
On the Users screen, users are created in the system. A user exists only in the active warehouse. If a user needs to exist in two different warehouses, the user must be created for each warehouse independently. Each user must be assigned to a group. In the Users Tab we are shown all the information related to the users of the system, such as the username, userID, the group the user belongs to, the status of the user account, whether the user account has access to the web or mobile and the last time the user logged in. To learn more about this please visit the Users Page for further details.
The warehouse is the main division for the software. Users, products and locations are attached to one specific warehouse. The system supports one or more warehouses and each one of them should have its own set of users, products and locations.
The warehouses tab shows us all the information related to the warehouse, such as the Name
of the warehouse, the address
, phone number
and whether the warehouse is active
or not.