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Picking Overview

Picking is the process of moving inventory from a warehouse location into a staging location and eventually going out of inventory via a shipping process. In the picking screen, the user can select the picking orders on the system by Trip or by All orders.


Trips are used to logically group sales orders based on the same trip id.

The total number of sales orders displayed in the following picture represents the count of all open sales orders by trip.



If the system doesn't have any trips, it will automatically redirect to the Orders Screen.


In the Picking Order screen we can filter by the Sales Order, Status, Customer Name and Order Date.


Clicking on the three dots to the right side of the screen will display a list of actions.

Picking right side dots

Detail: Will redirect the user to the details screen. Print: When the user clicks the print button, a modal with printer options will be shown to choose from in order to print the sales order.


The printers list will vary depending on the configured system printers. In order to print from the cloud to a local printer WDCS provides a tool named Cloud Printer Client. It is recommended to have only one local installation of the software. View Cloud Printer Provider for more information.

Example of a printed order:



On the Picking Order Detail page the user will see in-depth information about the picking order chosen, such as the Company information, Customer Bill To, Customer Ship To, Status and other additional information.


The Status Dropdown is used to change the order status.


Depending on the warehouse configuration if the order status is changed to closed the order will be automatically shipped. The warehouse's autoshipping setting must be enabled in order for this to work.

The order details table will have information about the line items of the order such as the Line number, Item id, Description, and the Picking Progress.

Export Status: The export status is used to inform the user if the shipping order has been exported to the ERP.

Picking Adjustments

The Progress numbers on every line item are used to visualize the picked quantities for each line but it can also be used to make any adjustments if necessary to the quantities dispatched. If the user has the necessary permissions the numbers will be highlighted in blue and if clicked it will redirect the user to another screen where they will be able to make picking adjustments.

Picking Adjustments

If the user has the appropriate permissions the right side of the screen will contain a remove button in order to remove any lines picked.


Shows the adjustments made at the progress page.

Picking adjustments history


How to get to the packing web screen

When the picking order is closed we can access the Packing page for the order using the Packing button at the picking detail.

Packing button

The packing screen can also be easily accessed by going to the Shipping sub menu and clicking Pending at the left side bar. That screen will filter all the closed orders that are available to be packed.

Packing transaction

In this page the user can Create Packages using the Create Box button. Each package will have a unique tracking ID that is used to track the packages. When the user creates a package they will be able to add the item quantity available from the inventory picked on the left side of the screen.

Use the Create Box button to create packages.



The tracking id for the boxes is an auto-generated number consisting of a sequential number, the current date in julian format and the order id.

In order to be able to add items to packages the users will have to click on the Select Box button inside the three dots besides the package or by clicking the Package number highlighted in blue. When a package is selected the user will see every item available in the picking order and will be able to add the quantity of items needed. After adding the items the user can move the package to the dock in order to begin the shipping process.

Packing inventory

When inventory is added to a package the quantity available at the left side of the screen will be subtracted from the total quantity available.

Create Multiple boxes

The user will also be able to create multiple boxes from the same item if needed. In order to do so, click the boxes icon on the right side of the line item.

Packing boxes button

A modal will open, the modal will contain information about the item that the user chose to pack in multiple boxes.

At the top right corner the Item Id and Total Quantity will be shown. On the middle side of the modal we will be able to see the Number of packs to be created based on the quantity the user wants per package.

Packing boxes button

After clicking the confirm button, boxes will be created based on the user input.

View Picking History

All picking history information for the chosen Sales Order is shown by the system, such as: Line #, Item, Location, Destination Location, Pallet, Lot, Quantity, Weight, Expiration Date, User, and Date.

View Shipping Information

View Shipping Information

For a specific Sales Order, the system displays all information, including: Shipping Reference, Tracking, Ship To, Dock, Export Status, Transaction Date, Return Date, and Returns.

View Shipping Information

Return Complete Order

When the Return Complete Order button is clicked, the system prompts for the Return to Location and the Return Reason in order to process all the items in the Sales Order and return these items to the selected location.

View Shipping Information