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Wave Picking Overview

A Wave may be used to summarize several orders into one transaction. A Wave is pre-determined based on a specific criterion. Regularly a Wave comprises all the orders that a specific truck may be delivering in the next trip. Since the movement of boxes for a Wave might be considerably big, this transaction is intended to be completed by the forklift driver. The user will be moving entire pallets from the warehouse into a staging location. When the Picking order process starts, the system will recommend to the user first the products staged by the Wave for fast movement. The Wave Order process does not affect the inventory levels of a product.


The wave index screen contains the created waves if any.

wave index

This screen contains useful messages that will let the user know if there are any pending picking orders as well as any pending waves. At this screen with the appropriate permissions the user will be able to create new Waves.

Create Wave

wave create

The create wave screen contains input fields for the description of the wave the user wishes to create, the date the wave will be due at as well as the method the user wishes to use in order to pick the wave.

Picking Methods

Picking Method Description
By Sales Orders Picking of the wave will be ordered by the sales orders of all the orders that were selected for the current wave.
By Items Picking of the wave will be ordered by the item ids of all the orders that were selected for the current wave.
Mixed Sales orders Picking of the wave will be ordered by the item ids and sales order ids of all the orders that were selected for the current wave.


The main difference between Mixed Sales Orders and By Items is that the console application will show the user the item id and the sales order it belongs to while picking the order, while the picking method By Items is used to pick all items and place them on the same location in order to divide them afterwards.

Add Orders

After creating the wave the user will be able to add the orders they wish to pick within said wave.

wave add orders

The wave add orders screen is composed of various important components, starting with the list of orders the user will be able to add to the wave.

After selecting the orders the wave will contain the user will be able to see a list with all the orders selected, at this part of the screen the user may remove some or all the added orders, or if they wish, continue with the next step.

wave add orders

The next step will show the summary of the selected orders with the appropriate wave percentage for each order.

wave add orders


The wave percentage represents capacity of the trucks

Assign users to a wave

After adding the sales orders to a wave you will be able to select the path, location and users that will be assigned to it. When users are assigned to a wave only those users will be able to select the wave when working on it on the console application.

wave assign

Wave Location

In order for a location to be available to be selected for a Wave Order the location must be created with the following configuration:

Location Type: Regular, Pick sequence: 1, Pick from location: On

Pick Sequence

On the pick sequence the user will be able to sort the selected orders using options populated on the dropdown. Based on the selected sorting the user can verify the selected orders on the Wave Map screen using the map button.

The wave picking sequence screen contains useful information like the Sequence number the orders will be picked by, Sales Order,Bill To and Ship To which contain the name of the customer bill to and customer ship to of the order, Route if any, Trip the trip the order belongs to, Total Items the total items for each order, Due Date, Travel time the travel time for each order based on the starting point in this case the warehouse.

wave pick sequence

Wave Map

The wave map is used to visualize the recommended routes of sales orders in a wave depending on the chosen picking sequence for the orders. The red marker in the map represents the starting point (warehouse) and the blue markers represent the customer for each order. Each blue marker will have a sequence number used to identify the sequence in which the orders are sorted by. If the user clicks any of the blue markers they will be able to see the relevant sales order information such as the sequence number, sales order id and the customer name.

wave map

In any case insufficient information about the client was provided the map will show a friendly error letting the user know the order routes that weren't found on the map.

wave map

Wave Order Details

After finishing the configuration of the Wave Order you will be redirected to the details screen.

wave details

The top left section is composed of the Wave Order information that was configured before reaching this screen.

Status: Is the status of the wave order.


If the Wave Order is closed it will not appear on the console application. Closing a Wave order will not close the sales orders belonging to it.

Due Date: Wave Order Due Date is used for user reference and does not have any effect on the system's functionality.

Picking method: Refer to the picking method descriptions listed above.

Assigned to: The users the current Wave Order has been assigned to. The wave order will only be visible for these users on the console application.

At the right side of the upper corner of the screen you will be able to see the Progress for the Sales orders or Items for this Wave. For sales orders the progress is updated every time the user closes an order. For items it's updated every time an item is picked.

At the bottom side of the screen we will have a list of the Selected orders for the current Wave

If the Wave Picking method is mixed sales orders or items then the bottom side of the screen will also have a list of the Selected Order Items for the current Wave

wave item details