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The WDCS provides the flexibility to adapt to most standard warehouse operations and needs. The flexibility of the system is provided by enabling and disabling several areas or restrictions on the system. Most of these settings can be configured by using the Maintenance screen. Each setting has a written description of what it is for in the section below, which will ease the configuration process. The user access groups and users tabs can be found in the Maintenance tab, Please visit Maintenance for more information.


The available options on this screen might vary depending on the user rights.

User Access Groups

Warehouse maintenannce user access groups

A group may have one or multiple users and is used to assign rights, allowing a set of users to access specific areas. On this screen, users can view the permissions of each group by clicking the three dots and selecting the Edit button in the right corner or by clicking the username.

User Access Group Permissions

After being redirected to this screen the user will be able to view all the information and permissions associated to a specific group, Such as the Group Name and Description.

Warehouse maintenance overview

The available permissions are:

Warehouse maintenance overview


On the Users screen, users are created in the system. A user exists only in the active warehouse. If a user is needed in two different warehouses the user must be created for each warehouse independently. Each user must be assigned to a group.

Warehouse maintenance users

The fields at the users screen are as follows.

Field Name Usage
Name Displays the name of the user
User ID Displays the ID of the User
Group ID Displays the Group the user belongs to
Active If this option is highlighted, the user account is active on the system
Web If this option is highlighted, the user has access to the web interface
Mobile If this option is highlighted, the user has access to the emulation interface
Last Login Displays the last time the user account logged in
Logged In Displays if the user is currently logged in

By clicking the three dots at the right side of any user account and clicking Edit the user will be able to edit the selected user account.

Warehouse maintenance security

Edit Users

In the Edit Users screen you will be able to edit the already created user accounts. The user will be able to permit or deny access to Web or Mobile, change the Warehouse and give WIP access, as well as change the Group a user belongs to.

Warehouse user account edit