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WDCS/ERP API Options & API Keys Dashboard.

WDCS has a built in api that can be used to add sync operation to the built in queue. That way you can use any app to integrate with the WDCS connector.

How to use the API

Navigate to the Auth Keys Dashboard.

AuthKeys Dashboard

Generate the API key that will be used by the external app.

1. Click on the create Button. Generate the Token

2. Put your App name on for the token identifier. Name your Token

3. Your token has been generated and it is ready to be used. Change this image Generated Token By clicking on the copy icon you add the token to your current paste bin.

Use your key to consume the api endpoints.

In order to consume/use the token you must pass it as an Bearer token in your HTTP Request Header.

Auth Header Example

Auth Header

The current token won't work for you! In order for this to work you need to create your own token in the dashboard.


To see all of our apis urls you may access our swagger docs in the following url.

Swagger Docs

Swagger Routes

Testing API endpoints in swagger.

In order to test the api endpoints in swagger we first need to pass our generated token from the dashboard. To do so we need to click the authorize button on top of the swagger docs.

Swagger Button

For our token to work with the documentation we need to pass the token like this.

Bearer $token
Token Example

Once the token is used we can see that we have a successfull request from swagger to our api endpoints. success


greetings example

Not Authenticated Response

If your Post Request doesn't contain the token you will probably get and 401 response.

No Auth Response

Revoke Authentication Token.

If you want to revoke an existing token you can simply delete the token in the dashboard.

On the Auth Dashboard click on the trash icon.

Click on the trash icon

Confirm you want to delete the current token.

Token delete confirmation

You have deleted a token.

token deleted

Once the token is deleted, it can't be used again. The token will no longer be valid.

Deleted token