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Picking Transaction

The Picking is the process of moving boxes from a warehouse location into a staging location and eventually go out of inventory via a shipping process. The selection of merchandise from the warehouse into a staging location can be done by FIFO or LIFO based on the box expiration date.

The Picking sub-menu is sub-divided into several categories: Wave, Orders, and Adjustment.

  • Wave: Select products based on multiple orders (a truck trip).
  • Orders: Select products based on all open orders.
  • Adjustment Adjusts items belonging to a sales order.



A Wave may be used to summarize several orders into one transaction. A Wave is pre-determined based on a specific criterion. Regularly a Wave comprises all the orders that a specific truck may be delivering in the next trip. Since the movement of boxes for a Wave might be considerably big, this transaction is intended to be completed by the forklift driver. The user will be moving entire pallets from the warehouse into a staging location. When the Picking order process starts, the system will recommend to the user first the products staged by the Wave for fast movement. The Wave Order process does not affect the inventory levels of a product.

Picking Orders

The Picking Order process is the selection of boxes into a staging location based on the amount of products required to satisfy a specific sales order. The WDCS recommends what cases/pallets should be selected. The recommended cases will depend if the sales order is from a FIFO or LIFO customer. The Picking process does not affect the inventory levels of a product.

When a user clicks Orders if enabled they will see the Picking Trips screen. When orders are grouped by trips the user may click a specific trip in order to view all orders associated to that trip. In case the user wants to see all orders regardless of the trip they can press enter on the Trip input (empty) on the top of the screen.

picking trips

After selecting the trip (or leaving it empty), the user will see the open and in use orders of the warehouse.

picking orders

  • SO: Sales order id.
  • Sta: Status.
  • Id: Customer id.
  • Customer name.


If you highlight a line from the picking order the complete customer name will be shown.

picking orders

After selecting a picking order the first thing you will see is the order details. The details will be ordered by line number and we will see useful information such as the line number, picked quantity and the ordered quantity, uom of the item, item id and the item description.


If you highlight a line from the picking detail the complete item description will be shown.

Picking an order

The user will be able to pick an order in two ways, by system recommendation or by line number.

By Line number

To pick by line number simply highlight any line number and press enter, after pressing enter you will see the picking line detail which will have information about that specific line number such as the ordered quantity, item description, uom and if any a recommendation of the warehouse location to pick the selected line number from.

picking by line number

By Recommendation

When picking by recommendation press enter when the line input on the upper part of the screen is empty (don't select a line number). The system will show the recommendation based on location priorities and will skip any items that do not have inventory on the warehouse.

picking by recommendation

To pick the item scan or enter the location id, scan or enter the item id and enter the ordered quantity or quantity available on the warehouse. After entering the quantity to pick the system will show the next recommendation.


If the item uses serial number the user will be able to scan or enter the serial id and the item information will be automatically populated.

If the item uses lot the user will be prompted to enter a valid lot id from inventory.


When using a Path the system will recommend the user the most efficient way to navigate the warehouse. Users are able to select their desire path by Pressing F4 in the bottom left corner of picking screen. Then select your path and click Enter.

picking path picking path

Picking Adjustment

The Picking Adjustment is the process of adjusting an item belonging to a sales order, when being adjusted the item is returned to the original inventory location from where it was picked in the first place.

To adjust a line number press F6, click History and select the desired line number to adjust.

picking adjustment

Then press F1 to confirm the adjustment.