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WDCSOffline ERP Link

As part of the set of solutions offered by MultiSystems, WDCSOffline serves as a linkage between WDCS and the client's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). It receives data from the client's ERP and then synchronizes with WDCS, using our WDCS/ERP Link Interface. Once the user completes a transaction inside our WDCS Console Client, it sends the output back to WDCSOffline's database. Finally, the client can access this information and generate invoices, bills, and inventory adjustments, among other functionalities.

Image of WDCS Data Flow Image of WDCS Data Flow

Database Structure

ERP to WDCSOffline

The following list contains all the names of the tables belonging to the Import Process of WDCSOffline. Note that every table name has the word 'In' attached to the end for identification purposes.


Items are any uniquely manufactured or purchased parts, materials, or products. ItemIn retrieves all the data related to products from the Item Master. The Item Master contains data that describes each item, including its description, itemCode, weight, lot number, and quantity, among other fields. When the WDCS/ERP Link Interface synchronizes the Items, it also populates ItemUnitOfMeasureIn and ItemUPCIn tables.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
Description 1 Written representation of a product. String
UomType 1 Unit of measurement type. (e.g., 1 for weighted items. Else, use 0.) Int (0,1)
UomDesc 1 Written representation of an unit of measurement value. String
PickingUom 1 Unit of measurement used for picking. (e.g., Each, PQ3, DZ12) String
UPC 1 Universal product code. (e.g., ISBN book barcode) String
AlternateNum 1 Alternative identification code/number. String
ReqGS1 1 Verifies if an item requires the Global Standard 1 (GS1) barcode. Int (0,1)
UsesSerial 1 Verifies if an item requires Serial Number identification. Int (0,1)
SerialMask Pre-defined serial number format used to generate serial numbers String
ReqPallet 1 Verifies if an item requires pallet (flat transport structure). Int (0,1)
FullPalletQty 1 Maximum amount used to fill a pallet platform. (depends on the item) Int
ReqLot 1 Verifies if an item requires Lot Number identification. Int (0,1)
ReqProdDate 1 Verifies if an item requires a Production Date value. Int (0,1)
ReqExpDate 1 Verifies if an item requires an Expiration Date value. Int (0,1)
ValidExpDays 1 Amount of days before a product expires. Int
Brand Product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name. String
Category Class with shared characteristics. (e.g., food, cosmetics, sauce) String
Type Set of common specific characteristics in products. String
Weight 1 Weight of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
MinAvailableWeight Minimum weight amount required before warning. Decimal (e.g., 7.51, 0.20)
MinWeight 1 Product minimum weight capacity. Decimal (e.g., 6.534, 6.204)
MaxWeight 1 Product maximum weight capacity. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
ItemPrimaryLoc Product primary Warehouse location. (e.g., MainWarehouseId123) String
PutAwayLocGroup Location group for put away transactions. String
Cube Amount of the total available space that is actually utilized. Decimal (95.4)
CaseQtyDesc Description for number of boxes manufactured. String
MinAvailableQuantity 1 Minimum amount needed to keep a product inventory level. Int
Deviation 1 Statistical difference in the units being produced. Int
ExpirationOffSet 1 Days to expire after being received and added to virtual inventory. Int (deprecated field)
Comments Additional notes about a product. String
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String


Unit Of Measure(UOM) is the unit used to manage inventory quantities. There are different UOMs, depending on each product,e.g., bottle, dozen, package of 3, or box of 8. A product can have more than 1 UOM, but none can be empty. Also, UOMs could need quantitative conversions inside WDCS to store, pick or receive efficiently.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId 1 Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
EachCount 1 Value of every one of a group. (e.g., EACH - 1, CJ14 - 14, CS24 - 24) Int
Type 1 Used to verify if the UOM is weight-based. (B for weighted-UOMs. Else, use A.) String (A,B)
Cube Amount of the total available space that is actually utilized. Decimal (95.4, 37.2)
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String


Uniform Product Code (UPC) is a product barcode or numbering format used by retailers. They identify manufacturers and products and are placed in product packaging or labels.

Field Name Description Value
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UPC Universal product code. String
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
Created_date 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String


Purchase Orders (PO) are electronic or physical forms to officialize a transaction with suppliers or vendors. When a PO is generated in the client's ERP, it is then synced using the WDCS/ERP Link Interface and stored in PurchaseOrderIN and PurchaseOrderDetailIn tables. The most commonly used fields include Purchase Order Number, Order Date, Vendor Name, and Due Date.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
PurchaseOrder 1 Binding document created by a buyer and presented to a seller. (e.g., PO-1234) String
Status 1 Condition with respect to the PO process. (e.g., 0- Open, 1- In use, 2- Closed) Int (0,1,2,4,5)
OrderDate 1 Date when the order was processed and created. Datetime
DueDate 1 Date by which the transaction must be completed. Datetime
DocId Document identification number. String
POSource Origin of a Purchase Order(PO). String
Reference Unique identifier assigned to a Purchase Order. String
VendorId 1 Vendor's identification number. String
VendorName 1 Vendor's full name. String
VendorContact Vendor's contact name. String
VendorVoicePhone Vendor's contact phone number. String
VendorFaxPhone Vendor's fax number. String
VendorAddress1 1 Place where the vendor is situated. String
VendorAddress2 Extra information related to a Vendor's address. String
VendorCity Vendor's current city name. String
VendorState Vendor's current state. String
VendorZipCode Vendor's postal code. String
VendorCountry Vendor's current country. String
VendorNote Additional text related to a specific vendor. String
VendorUdf1 - VendorUdf10 Vendor user defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
Comments Additional notes about a Purchase Order. String
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String


PurchaseOrderDetailIn contains the list of items and quantities related to a specific transaction(PO). If a Purchase Order doesn't have any information inside this table, it wouldn't be processed.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
PurchaseOrder 1 Binding document created by a buyer and presented to a seller. (e.g., PO-1234) String
LineNumber 1 Particular sequence of product inside a Purchase Order. Int
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId 1 Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
OrderedQuantity 1 Amount of product ordered. String
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
OrderedWeight 1 Product's weight amount ordered. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String


Sales Orders(SO) are documents used to process customer shipments. SalesOrderIn manages essential information about the order header. (e.g., salesOrder number, customer identification number, and due date.)

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification number. String
SalesOrder 1 Commercial document prepared by a seller and issued to a customer. (e.g., SO-123) String
SalesOrderSequence 1 Preset sequence of Sales Order (SO) in the Picking process Int
CustomerBillTo 1 Party responsible for paying for a service or product. String
CustomerShipTo 1 Customer to send the products or services. String
OrderDate 1 Date when the order was processed and created. Datetime
DueDate 1 Date by which the transaction must be completed. Datetime
Status 1 Condition with respect to the PO process. (e.g., 0- Open, 1- In use, 2- Closed) Int (0,1,2,3)
TripId Route identification number. String
Wave Coordinate number for picking with shipping schedules. String
RouteId Identification number used for fleets delivering goods. String
Freight Goods transported in bulk. String
CarrierId Business identification number used for delivery. String
MiscCharge Charges added to order documents for costs other than for items purchased. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
BillToCompanyName 1 Customer Bill To full name. String
BillToContact Customer Bill To contact name. String
BillToVoicePhone Customer Bill To contact phone number. String
BillToFaxPhone Customer Bill To fax number. String
BillToAddress1 1 Place where the Customer is situated. String
BillToAddress2 Extra information related to a Customer's address. String
BillToCity Customer Bill To current city name. String
BillToState Customer Bill To current state. String
BillToZipCode Customer Bill To postal code. String
BillToCountry Customer Bill To current country. String
BillToNote Additional text related to a specific Customer. String
BillToRoute Custom route directions. String
BillToInventoryHandling 1 Warehouse used for the picking process. String
BillToNote Extra notes used for customer related information. String
BillToPayTerms Conditions surrounding the payment part of a sale. String
BillToPriority 1 Right of precedence over other customers. String
BillToLocGroup 1 Customer's location group identifier. String
ShipToCompanyName 1 Customer Ship To full name. String
ShipToContact Customer Ship To contact name. String
ShipToVoicePhone Customer Ship To contact phone number. String
ShipToFaxPhone Customer Ship To fax number. String
ShipToAddress1 1 Place where the Customer is situated. String
ShipToAddress2 Extra information related to a Customer's address. String
ShipToCity Customer Ship To current city name. String
ShipToState Customer Ship To current state. String
ShipToZipCode Customer Ship To postal code. String
ShipToCountry Customer Ship To current country. String
ShipToNote Additional text related to a specific Customer. String
Charges Amount of money paid for a good or service. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
Discount Deduction from the actual cost. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
Salesman Seller assigned to the transaction. String
Notes Additional information about the Sales Order (SO). String
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
BillToUdf1 - BillToUdf10 Billing user defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
ShipToUdf1 - ShiptoUdf10 Shipping user defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
Comment Additional text field. String
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String


After the order header creation, SalesOrderDetailIn retrieves all the details from the products ordered. It stores the amount and unit of measurement requested. Every order must contain at least one product in SalesOrderdetailIn table to be processed.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
SalesOrder 1 Commercial document prepared by a seller and issued to a customer. (e.g., SO-123) String
LineNumber 1 Particular sequence of product inside a Sales Order. Int
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId 1 Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
OrderedQuantitY 1 Amount of product ordered. String
AdditionalQuantity 1 Amount in excess of the original load. Int
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
OrderedWeight 1 Product's weight amount ordered. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
ValidExpPickDays 1 Amount of days to pick a product before a product expires. Int
Price Product value. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
ReferenceLine Unique identifier assigned to a sales order detail line. Int
Comment Additional text field. String
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String

WDCSOffline to ERP

The following list contains all the names of the tables belonging to the Export Process of WDCSOffline. Note that every table name has the word 'Out' attached to the end for identification purposes.


Once a purchase order is processed and closed using our WDCS Console Client solution, the ERP Link Interface will send the result to RecevingOrderOut, enabling data export back to the client's ERP for bill or receipt creation.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
PurchaseOrder 1 Binding document created by a buyer and presented to a seller. (e.g., PO-1234) String
OrderDate 1 Date when the order was processed and created. Datetime
DueDate 1 Date by which the transaction must be completed. Datetime
Status 1 Condition with respect to the PO process. (e.g., 0- Open, 1- In use, 2- Closed) Int (0,1,2,4,5)
AssignedTo 1 User specified for transaction. String
DocId Document identification number. String
POSource Origin of a Purchase Order(PO). String
TransType 1 Different type of transactions in a business logic. Int
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
Reference Unique identifier assigned to a transaction. Int
Carrier Business identification number used for delivery. String
InfoRecordId Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
InfoWarehouseId Warehouse identification code/number. String
InfoUsername User related to a specific transaction. String
InfoSeal 1 Information related to a container seal to secure goods. String
InfoStatus 1 State or condition of the processed Purchase Order (PO). Int
InfoContainer 1 Identification code used to represent a specific truck container. String
InfoTemperature Information about container temperature. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
InfoWayBillNumber 1 Document issued by carrier to acknowledge possession of goods. Serves as receipt. String
InfoTransDate Date of transaction process. String
InfoCreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
InfoPurchaseOrder Binding document created by a buyer and presented to a seller. (e.g., PO-1234) String
InfoCarrierId 1 Business identification number used for delivery. String
InfoComment Additional text field. String
VendorRecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
VendorId 1 Vendor's identification number. String
VendorName 1 Vendor's full name. String
VendorContact Vendor's contact name. String
VendorVoicePhone Vendor's contact phone number. String
VendorFaxPhone Vendor's fax number. String
VendorAddress1 1 Place where the vendor is situated. String
VendorAddress2 Extra information related to a Vendor's address. String
VendorCity Vendor's current city name. String
VendorState Vendor's current state. String
VendorZipCode Vendor's postal code. String
VendorCountry Vendor's current country. String
VendorNote Additional text related to a specific vendor. String
VendorCreatedDate 1 Vendor's date of creation. Datetime
InfoUdf1 - InfoUdf10 Extra info defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
VendorUdf1 - VendorUdf10 Vendor user defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
CreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
Comment Additional text field. String
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)


ReceivingOrderDetailOut holds the list of items and quantities related to a specific transaction(PO).

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
InfoRecordId Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
PurchaseOrder 1 Binding document created by a buyer and presented to a seller. (e.g., PO-1234) String
Source 1 Origin of a Purchase Order(PO). String
Status Condition with respect to the PO process. (e.g., 0- Open, 1- In use, 2- Closed) Int (0,1,2,4,5)
LineNumber 1 Particular sequence of product inside a Purchase Order. Int
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
OrderedQuantity 1 Amount of product ordered. String
AdditionalQuantity 1 Amount in excess of the original load. Int
ActualQuantity 1 Product amount received. Int
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
OrderedWeight 1 Product's weight amount ordered. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
ActualWeight 1 Weight amount received. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
Created_date 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
ProductionDate Date of product production. String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
Comment Extra information about the receiving process. String
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String


ReceivingHistoryOut shows specific details about every processed product inside a purchase order (e.g., who received a particular product from order 001).

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
InfoRecordId Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
PurchaseOrder 1 Binding document created by a buyer and presented to a seller. (e.g., PO-1234) String
LineNumber 1 Particular sequence of product inside a Purchase Order. Int
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
Weight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
Quantity Amount received. String
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
PalletID Pallet Identification number. (P01234) String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
ProductionDate 1 Date of product production. String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
SerialID Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime


When a sales order is closed using WDCS, then it can be shipped to the customer address. This process is tracked using ShippingOrderOut.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
PickingOrderRecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
InfoRecordId Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
SalesOrder 1 Commercial document prepared by a seller and issued to a customer. (e.g., SO-123) String
TripId Route identification number. String
Carrier Business identification number used for delivery. String
TrackingId Unique number assigned to a package when it is shipped. String
HeaderRecordId Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
HeaderDockId Location where vehicles are loaded and unloaded. Identification number String
HeaderSeal Related to a container seal to secure goods. String
HeaderTruckId Truck Identification number. String
HeaderTransUser User related to a specific transaction. String
HeaderCreateDate Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
InfoCreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
POReferenceNumber Unique identifier assigned to a Purchase Order. String
BillToCustomer* Customer to send the products or services. String
SOCustomerBillTo Party responsible for paying for a service or product. String
SOCustomerShipTo Customer to send the products or services. String
SOWave Coordinate number for picking with shipping schedules. String
SOFreight Goods transported in bulk. String
SOSalesOrderSequence 1 Preset sequence of Sales Order (SO) in the Picking process Int
SOComment Additional text field. String
SOMiscCharge Charges added to order documents for costs other than for items purchased. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
SOOrderDate 1 Date when the order was processed and created. Datetime
SOCharges Amount of money paid for a good or service. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
SODiscount Deduction from the actual cost. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
SONotes Additional information about the Sales Order (SO). String
SODueDate Date by which the transaction must be completed. Datetime
SOCarrierId Business identification number used for delivery. String
SOSalesman Seller assigned to the transaction. String
SORouteId Identification number used for fleets delivering goods. String
BillToRecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
BillToClass Identification text used to define how customers are billed. String
BillToCompanyName 1 Customer Bill To full name. String
BillToContact Customer Bill To contact name. String
BillToVoicePhone Customer Bill To contact phone number. String
BillToFaxPhone Customer Bill To fax number. String
BillToAddress1 1 Place where the Customer is situated. String
BillToAddress2 Extra information related to a Customer's address. String
BillToCity Customer Bill To current city name. String
BillToState Customer Bill To current state. String
BillToZipCode Customer Bill To postal code. String
BillToCountry Customer Bill To current country. String
BillToNote Additional text related to a specific Customer. String
BillToRoute Custom route directions. String
BillToInventoryHandling 1 Warehouse used for the picking process. String
BillToNote Extra notes used for customer related information. String
BillToPayTerms Conditions surrounding the payment part of a sale. String
BillToPriority Right of precedence over other customers. String
BillToLocGroup 1 Customer's location group identifier. String
ShipToRecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
ShipToCompanyName 1 Customer Ship To full name. String
ShipToContact Customer Ship To contact name. String
ShipToVoicePhone Customer Ship To contact phone number. String
ShipToFaxPhone Customer Ship To fax number. String
ShipToAddress1 1 Place where the Customer is situated. String
ShipToAddress2 Extra information related to a Customer's address. String
ShipToCity Customer Ship To current city name. String
ShipToState Customer Ship To current state. String
ShipToZipCode Customer Ship To postal code. String
ShipToCountry Customer Ship To current country. String
ShipToNote Additional text related to a specific Customer. String
SOUdf1 - SOUdf10 Order's User defined fields. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
BillToUdf1 - BillToUdf10 Billing user defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
ShipToUdf1 - ShiptoUdf10 Shipping user defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)


ShippingOrderDetailOut contains the list of items and quantities related to a sales order that will be shipped.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
InfoRecordId Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
SalesOrder* Commercial document prepared by a seller and issued to a customer. (e.g., SO-123) String
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
Weight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
Quantity 1 Amount picked. Int
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
PalletID Pallet Identification number. (P01234) String
DockId Location where vehicles are loaded and unloaded. Identification number String
TrackingId Unique number assigned to a package when it is shipped. String
SerialID Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
ProductionDate Date of product production. String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
ReferenceNumber Unique identifier assigned to a Sales Order product. String
CreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime


ShippingHistoryOut shows specific details about every processed product inside a sales order (e.g., when a product from order 001 was shipped).

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
InfoRecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
SalesOrder 1 Commercial document prepared by a seller and issued to a customer. (e.g., SO-123) String
LineNumber 1 Particular sequence of product inside a Purchase Order. Int
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
Weight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
Quantity 1 Amount shipped. String
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
PickingLocation Default Picking Location. String
PalletID Pallet Identification number. (P01234) String
SerialID Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
ExpirationDate 1 Date of product expiration. Datetime
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
PickingPalletId Pallet Identification Number used in the picking process. String
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String


Products damaged or rejected by the customer are processed using our Return transaction inside the WDCS Console Client software. ReturnsOut is used to retrieve that kind of data.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
SalesOrder 1 Commercial document prepared by a seller and issued to a customer. (e.g., SO-123) String
RefShippingNumber Reference Shipping number. String
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
Weight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
UomWeight Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
Quantity 1 Amount returned. Int
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
SerialID Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
ProductionDate 1 Date of product production. String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
Comment Additional text field. String
ReasonId Reason Code Identification number. String
Reason Reason Code description text. String


Inventory additions, subtractions, and transfers are key transactions to maintain inventory levels accurately. The result of every single transaction involving each of the methods mentioned above will appear in ReturnsOut.

Field Name Description Value
Id 1 Identity is a database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
SerialId Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
ReasonId Reason Code Identification number. String
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
ItemAlternateNum Alternative identification code/number. String
ItemUsesSerial 1 Verifies if an item requires Serial Number identification. Int (0,1)
ItemUPC 1 Universal product code. (e.g., ISBN book barcode) String
ItemUomDesc Written representation of an unit of measurement value. String
ItemMaxWeight 1 Product maximum weight capacity. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
ItemReqPallet Verifies if an item requires pallet (flat transport structure). Int (0,1)
ItemValidExpDays 1 Amount of days before a product expires. Int
ItemRecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
ItemType Set of common specific characteristics in products. String
ItemUomType 1 Unit of measurement type. (e.g., 1 for weighted items. Else, use 0.) Int (0,1)
ItemExpirationOffset 1 Days to expire after being received and added to virtual inventory. Int (deprecated field)
ItemPickingUom Unit of measurement used for picking. (e.g., Each, PQ3, DZ12) String
ItemMinAvailableQuantity Minimum amount needed to keep a product inventory level. Int
ItemReqLot 1 Verifies if an item requires Lot Number identification. Int (0,1)
ItemReqProdDate 1 Verifies if an item requires a Production Date value. Int (0,1)
ItemReqExpDate 1 Verifies if an item requires an Expiration Date value. Int (0,1)
ItemCreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
ItemDescription 1 Written representation of a product. String
ItemCategory Class with shared characteristics. (e.g., food, cosmetics, sauce) String
ItemCube Amount of the total available space that is actually utilized. Decimal (95.4, 37.2)
ItemFullPalletQty 1 Maximum amount used to fill a pallet platform. (depends on the item) Int
ItemWeight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
ItemMinAvailableWeight Minimum weight amount required before warning. Decimal (e.g., 7.51, 0.20)
ItemBrand Product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name. String
ItemComment Additional notes about a product. String
ItemItemPrimaryLoc Product primary Warehouse location. (e.g., MainWarehouseId123) String
ItemCaseQtyDesc Description for number of boxes manufactured. String
ItemMinWeight 1 Product minimum weight capacity. Decimal (e.g., 6.534, 6.204)
ItemPutAwayLocGroup Location group for put away transactions. String
ProductionDate Date of product production. String
Weight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
ReasonDescription Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
Comment Additional notes about a product. String
Quantity Amount adjusted. String
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
PalletID Pallet Identification number. (P01234) String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
ExpirationDate 1 Date of product expiration. Datetime
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
ReasonRecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
ReasonStatus 1 Condition with respect to the Reason Codes. Int
ReasonType 1 Describes the functionality of the Reason Code. Default value is 1 Int(1)
ReasonCreatedDate 1 Reason Code's date of creation. Datetime
CreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ItemUdf1 - ItemUdf10 Item's User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
ReasonUdf1 - ReasonUdf10 Reason's User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String


InventorySummaryOut store a copy of the current inventory levels. It is updated using the WDCS/ERP Link Interface and the syncID serves as a reference number to differentiate between inventory snapshots.

Field Name Description Value
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
SyncId 1 Auto-generated value which contains inventory summary datetime. String
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
OnHandQuantity 1 Current inventory quantity. Int
Weight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
UomWeight Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
InvStatus Verifies current Inventory status (e.g., if available: I, else: P) String
QaStatus 1 Quality assurance status. (e.g., default value is 3) Int(3)
CreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)


Cycle Counts reduce and often eliminate the need for annual Physical Counts. It gives the advantage that you can count by groups of locations or items regularly. CycleCountInventoryOut holds the data from previous cycle inventory counts.

Field Name Description Value
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
SyncId 1 Auto-generated value which contains the Cycle Count datetime. String
Request 1 Cycle Count Identification number. Int (auto-generated)
Iteration 1 Identification number related to the repetitions created during the Cycle Count. Int (1,2,3)
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
CountQuantity 1 Amount of product counted during Cycle Count iteration. Int
SerialID Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
Status Condition with respect to the Cycle Count process. (e.g., 2 - closed count) Int
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
PalletID Pallet Identification number. (P01234) String
UomId 1 Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
CountWeight Amount of weight counted. Decimal(12.40, 4.56754)
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime


WorkDetailIn contains the list of items and quantities related to a WorkOrder that will be Received from production.

Field Name Description Value
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
WorkOrder Commercial document prepared by production and issued to a warehouse. (e.g., WO-001) String
LineNumber 1 Particular sequence of product inside a Purchase Order. Int
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
SerialID Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
ProductionDate 1 Date of product production. String
OrderedQuantity 1 Amount of product ordered. String
ActualQuantity 1 Product amount received. Int
AdditionalQuantity 1 Amount in excess of the original load. Int
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
TransDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
TransUser User related to a specific transaction. String
Status Condition with respect to the PO process. (e.g., 0- Open, 1- In use, 2- Closed) Int (0,1,2,4,5)
OrderedWeight 1 Product's weight amount ordered. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
ActualWeight 1 Weight amount received. Decimal (e.g., 2.34, 10.20)
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
Comment Extra information about the receiving process. String
CreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String


WorkDetailSerialin retrieves all the details from the products produce. It stores the Serial ID and unit of measurements. Every order must contain at least one product in WorkDetailIn table to be processed.

Field Name Description Value
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
WorkOrder Commercial document prepared by production and issued to a warehouse. (e.g., WO-001) String
LineNumber 1 Particular sequence of product inside a Purchase Order. Int
ItemId 1 Product identification number. (e.g., stock keeping unit(SKU)) String
SerialID Unique number used for identification and inventory purposes. String
UomId Unit of measurement identification value. (e.g., EACH, CJ14, PQ3) String
LotID Identification number assigned to a particular quantity. String
Quantity Amount adjusted. String
Weight Heaviness of a specific product. Decimal (e.g., 10.05, 0.00)
UomWeight 1 Unit of measurement identification value for weighted products (e.g., LBS) String
ExpirationDate Date of product expiration. Datetime
ProductionDate 1 Date of product production. String
SourceLocationId Physical place where your production comes from. string
LocationID 1 Physical place where your inventory will exist. (e.g., 01A01B) String
PalletID Pallet Identification number. (P01234) String
ReferenceNumber Unique identifier assigned to a WorkOrder. String
TransDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
CreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
Udf1 - Udf3 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String


Refers to the process of receiving and handling goods or products that have been produced internally within the organization or facility. ("Receiving from production")

Field Name Description Value
RecordId 1 Database field made up of auto-generated values. Int (auto-generated)
WarehouseId 1 Warehouse identification code/number. String
WorkOrder Commercial document prepared by production and issued to a warehouse. (e.g., WO-001) String
Status Condition with respect to the PO process. (e.g., 0- Open, 1- In use, 2- Closed) Int (0,1,2,4,5)
TranUser User related to a specific transaction. String
OrderDate 1 Date when the order was processed and created. Datetime
DueDate 1 Date by which the transaction must be completed. Datetime
TransType 1 Different type of transactions in a business logic. Int
TranDate 1 Date of transaction process. Datetime
ExportStatus 1 State with respect to the export process. (0: Pending, 1: Processed, 3: Error) Int (0,1,3)
Comment Extra information about the receiving process. String
Type Set of common specific characteristics in products. String
CreatedDate 1 Transaction's date of creation. Datetime
Udf1 - Udf10 User defined field. Udf are used to add custom values. (Up to 10 fields)) String
ExportMessage Text description used in export transactions. (e.g., Item exported successfully.) String

1 Required Field.