Carrier: A carrier is the company that delivers goods to the warehouse.
ERP: Acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning.
Export: Process of copying data from the WDCS to outsources.
FIFO: First In First Out. Rule used for warehouse inventory movement. The "First In First Out" rule is based on the expiration date. Products having a later expiration date will have priority when dispatching.
Forward Picking Location: Warehouse Location with the highest picking priority (one).
GUI: Acronym for Graphical User Interface. Used when referring to the pictures, menus or buttons that are used for the user to interact with the application.
Import: The process of copying information from outsources to the WDCS database.
Items: Products are called Items throughout the system. Items are assigned to a specific warehouse and each item must be configured with a specific unit of measure for boxes and one unit of measure for weight as well as other specific settings.
LIFO: Last In First Out. Rule used for warehouse inventory movement. The "Last In First Out" rule is based on the expiration date. Products having an earlier expiration date will have priority when dispatching.
Location: A location is a place where products are stored, it can be from part of a rack or even an entire room.
Pallet: A pallet is a flat surface used to group a certain amount of goods in a stable way.
PO: Purchase Orders (PO) list what products will go into the inventory from outsources.
SKU: Acronym for Stock Keeping Unit
Staging Location: Preferred location for picking and shipping transactions. Also may be called Pick and Pack location.
Windows: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
WDCS: Acronym for Warehouse and Distribution Control System.