WDCS/ERP Link Installation
How to Install/Setup WDCS/ERP Link Interface:
- Unzip the compressed WDCS_Connector.zip folder
- Navigate to the Publish Folder
- Open the WdcsConnector.exe
- This will open a browser windows at localhost:21905
- Follow the WDCS/ERP Link Interface Settings configuration.
WDCS/ERP Link Interface as a Service
Additionally, the WDCS/ERP Link Interface can run as a Windows Service.
To run as a service:
- Open Command Prompt(CMD)
- Copy and paste the following code:
sc create wdcssync binPath= "[INSERT_HERE_YOUR_FILEPATH_TO]\WdcsConnector.exe --service" DisplayName= "WDCS/ERP Link Interface" start= auto
- binPath="" is the file path where WdcsConnector.exe is located
- --service is needed to be registered as a Service
- DisplayName is the name that will appear at Services
- start= can be set to auto or manual initialization
- Verify by browsing localhost:21905